Matrix Business Solutions

Preventive Maintenance Planning

Preventive Maintenance Planning

Preventive Maintenance Planning

ECCOMEC offers our customers preventive maintenance planning tools that are integrated into a facility's Computerized Maintenance Management Support (CMMS) system.

 Using OEM data and the ECCOMEC team's long experience customized plans can be developed that will improve plant availability and reduce periods of forced outage while lowering the plant's overall O&M cost.
The ECCOMEC team can also implement and manage the CMMS system, including system installation and setup, conversion, upgrades, and training. ECCOMEC can also collect the necessary equipment data, identify preventive and predictive maintenance tasks, write site-specific maintenance procedures, and upload the final product into the plant's ERP system.

The ECCOMEC team has extensive experience with outage planning and support. The team is also experienced with equipment from all the major manufacturers, such as Siemens, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Vogt, Nooter -Eriksen, Alstom, GE, Pratt & Whitney, and Rolls Royce.

 ECCOMEC has prepared many outage execution plans over the years. A typical outage plan includes the outage schedule, the recommended spare parts list, the list of critical spares required and the procedure for how